Centre for Youth Impact is the national partner for this sector. They can help to explain the programme, support you with applications to join it, and will have a key role in helping successful applicants to progress their ideas and grow their enterprise activity.

The key contact at Centre for Youth Impact is their Programme Manager, Soizic Hagege. You can contact her on soizic.hagege@youthimpact.uk.
Application Windows
Spring dates tbc
Eligibility Criteria for Youth sector applicants
To be eligible for the youth strand of the programme, you must be a charity, voluntary sector organisation, or social enterprise
- Your mission is to work with young people aged 10-19, or 10-25 in certain circumstances. This must be explicitly stated in your governing documents and/or mission statement. This does not include community organisations who work with young people as part of their work with the wider community;
- You can demonstrate intent on behalf of your trustees and/or executive to pursue diversifying income through trading;
- You can commit to playing an active part in contributing to the learning and research aspects of the Programme.
- You are based in England with the majority of your beneficiaries also in England; and
- You can commit to playing an active part in contributing to the learning and research aspects of the Programme.
All organisations applying to the prorgamme must also be able to demonstrate that they are an eligible charity or social enterprise. This means that organisations need to
- Have a clear social mission
- Distribute less than 50% of post-tax profits and reinvest at least 51% of surpluses into pursuing their social mission, and
- Have a constitutional or contractual lock on their social mission, dividend and surplus distribution policy (also known as an asset lock)